💻 A good reading by a recognized and endorsed author helps us eliminate the "Mental Cobwebs" that we carry and that we cannot eliminate due to lack of knowledge.
💻 Reading a good book allows us to acquire new knowledge and information, and we can interpret new information to create new knowledge.
Currently there are many hucksters, especially in self-help books, creating false hopes, because what they want is to sell their books rather than help others.
To know if a book is good or bad, nothing better than CRITERION, and to acquire criteria you have to read a lot.

💻 A book helps to eliminate those mental obscurities that we carry, because it demystifies our false beliefs, freeing us from our own chains.
Books by well-known and authoritative authors on their topics undoubtedly inspire us, give us "mental massages" and trigger within us the "creative genius" that will allow us to innovate at a personal, family and work level.
One of those authors is Peter Drucker, considered the father of Management ("Father of Administrative Management") who dedicated a large part of his articles and books to Innovation.
• From the 1980s, the technological dimension of Innovation acquired enormous economic and technological relevance.
• In the 1990s there was already widespread recognition of the relationship between Innovation, Technology and Competitiveness.
• In the 21st century, we are fully entering the Globalization of Innovation, where the conventional classifications of types of innovations are less and less useful.
Towards the end of the 20th century, innovations began to predominate in:
Information and communication technologies
New materials
Light technologies
At the beginning of the 21st century, Nanotechnology makes its stellar appearance.
The question now is what next?
Based on research at MIT, the 10 technologies that are taking shape in the 21st century and that will change the world are:
1. Quantum cryptography
2. Software security
3. Grid computing
4. Injectable tissues
5. Molecular imaging
6. Glycomic
7. Mechatronics
8. Sensor network
9. Solar nano cells
10. Nano printed lithograph

Peter Drucker mentions at the organizational level that there are seven sources of innovation; four are inside the company and three outside it.

Innovating is not necessarily creating something out of nothing, let's remember that there are three types of innovation and that the difference depends on the degree of uncertainty and technological complications to carry it out:
a) Incremental innovation (continuous improvement)
b) Disruptive innovation
c) Radical innovation (is creating something that does not exist)
Reinvention is a step beyond Innovation, it implies creating something new starting from something existing and for this Creativity is needed.
For example, if I see a great idea abroad and I adapt it to the national market in which I live, this is an example of Creativity, what some authors call reinvention.

Regarding Innovation on a personal level, some authors such as Mario Alonso Puig, define it as Reinvention, as he points out in his famous book "Reinvent yourself, your second chance"; this title refers to a second chance, considering that, in the early stages of our lives, especially from adolescence, we had to innovate to create our adult life.
In his book, Mario provides us with a series of reflections to reinvent ourselves, of which I would like to highlight the following:
"Anxiety is a curious state of restlessness because we begin to suffer in the present from something that we don't even know for sure is going to manifest in the future."
René Descartes wrote a letter at the end of his life in which a singular comment called attention: "My life was full of misfortunes, many of which never happened."
Reinvention <personal change> is not a matter of knowledge or erudition, but of motivation, since only people who feel truly motivated will make the necessary effort to bring out what remains hidden and unexplored within them.
"Mental software is fundamentally made through experiences."
If you want to reinvent yourself, focus on what you want and not on what you fear.
We can conclude by saying that an incredibly source of inspiration to find the motivation to Innovate and Reinvent are books...Books Don't Bite!

Historia - Biografía. Peter Drucker.
Seelig, Tina. 2000. InsightOut. Australia. HarperCollins Publishers
Zacarías Torres Hernández. 2018. Administración Estratégica. Grupo Editorial Patria.
Caso Kodak: eaBC Blog
Erdozáin Rivera, Juan Carlos. 2023. La Quinta Ola de Cambio. eaBC
Drucker, Peter. La Gerencia Efectiva
Robbins, Stephen P. 2020. Administración. Prentice-Hall
Laudon, K.; Laudon, J. Sistemas de información gerencial. Los sistemas de información en los negocios globales contemporáneos. Ed. 14.
Erdozáin Rivera, Juan Carlos. 2023. Peter Drucker, El Conocimiento y la Innovación. Imagination Institute.