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Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality



Directing attention where it is needed is one of the main tasks of leadership

I have seen on several occasions how, due to a lack of imagination and creativity, managers who claim to be organizational leaders become "serial killers" by favoring their collaborators the “death by PowerPoint”; This refers to the incomprehensible and boring presentations that PowerPoint seems to encourage. If this tool is not well used and focused, it causes the presenter to get lost in the images and formats, also losing the audience's attention.

For this reason it is very important that, to use PowerPoint, the presentation is focused on satisfying a simple question "What is the main idea?" and, also, never use this tool to clutter pages with text, since it was designed as a visual aid and not as a textbook.

Keeping in mind the main idea to be presented helps to clearly convey the most relevant points of the topic.

Steve Balmer, former CEO of Microsoft (where PowerPoint was born), prohibited these types of presentations in his meetings and instead asked in advance to preview the material to not to get lost, during meetings, in an endless process and thus be able to get directly to the point; This simple action favors concentration.

As Daniel Goleman points out in his new book "Focus", "Directing attention where it is needed is one of the main tasks of leadership. This talent depends on the ability to focus attention in the right place and time to detect emerging trends and realities and thus better take advantage of opportunities. But it is not only the focus of attention of the person who makes the strategic decisions that makes or ruins a company, but also the wide repertoire of attention and expertise shown by all those involved.

"The different departments of an organization (finance, marketing, human capital, etc.) reflect the way in which that it is concentrated.

As attention has, both in the individual and in organizations, a limited capacity, it is necessary to decide where direct your attention, what to ignore and what to focus on.

Among the symptoms of what we could call the “attention deficit syndrome of an organization” we could mention, for example: making erroneous decisions due to lack of data or lack of time to reflect; the problems in attracting the attention of the market, and the inability to concentrate at the right time and place"

Attention tends to focus on what matters and makes sense. The story a leader tells can imbue a certain aspect with such resonance that it implies the need to decide what to focus on and where to put energy.

Leadership revolves around the need to effectively capture and direct collective attention, and this implies, issues as diverse as knowing how to focus, first of all, our own attention and then attract and direct the attention of others, as well as how to capture and maintain the attention of clients or consumers. The well-focused leader must be able to balance internal focus (directed toward the organization's climate and culture) with focus on others (on the competitive landscape) and external focus (focused on the larger realities that make up the environment). in which the equipment operates)."


To paraphrase one of America's most notable academics, Jeffrey S. Lehman, “Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality, it is the word that speaks boldly of our intentions, it is the action that speaks louder than words, it is doing it on time when there is none, it is fulfilling what was promised when circumstances become adverse”

Commitment is like a “Philosopher's Stone”, which enables and maximizes our internal strengths, overshadowing the weaknesses that sometimes limit us, thus allowing us to transform threats into opportunities.

Commitment is the material with which people's character is forged to be able to change things, it is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism, therefore, committing and maintaining commitments are the essence of proactivity

Commitment is the ability of human beings to become aware of the importance of carrying out their work within the time stipulated for it.

By committing ourselves, we put our capabilities to the maximum to carry out the task entrusted to us.

Our commitment is fulfilled, taking into account that we know the conditions that we are accepting and the obligations that these entail, since it represents a permanent effort towards achieving the established objective. The absence of commitment makes the choice trivial.

Strategic Thinkers, in addition to developing Strategic Skills and Competencies, must always be Committed Professionals capable of "Strategically Align" to the companies in which they participate, because the companies that have endured over time despite the crises have the "Value of Commitment" between their management and their collaborators.

We must not lose sight of the fact that a senior manager must ensure that Strategically Align the Organization”; For an individual to be committed and implement said competence (commitment), it is necessary that he or she comply with the following:

  1. That they feel the objectives of the organization as their own.

  2. That supports and implements decisions, fully committed to achieving common objectives.

  3. That prevents and overcomes obstacles that interfere with the achievement of the organization's objectives.

  4. Control the implementation of agreed reactions.

When considering in the organization the value of commitment and focus as a strategic competency in people management, the benefits are the following:

  • ⭕ Improvement in performance, productivity and quality, thanks to greater alignment, effort and intrinsic motivation of professionals.

  • ⭕Increase in customer satisfaction, due to higher quality of service and increase in associated sales.

  • ⭕Reduction of costs associated with rotation.

  • ⭕Strengthening the company's reputation among clients, consumers, current and future employees.

  • ⭕Increase in the value of the company because it is an intangible element in terms of sustainability.

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