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Writer's picture: Juan Carlos Erdozain Rivera, MBAJuan Carlos Erdozain Rivera, MBA


After seeing the behavior of the "new era" politicians and how their blatant acts of hypocrisy, institutionalized lying and deception toward the masses are maximized by some media, the only thing left to do is conclude that society lost her compass and is going deeper and deeper into dark paths that are leading her to a dead end.

What irony in the middle of the "Age of Knowledge" a large part of society has become more ignorant

Aberrant behavior and vulgarity have taken over institutions and the media, making us see and believe that this is "normal".

The media in general (including "youtubers" and "Influencers") present low-quality, biased and even lying content in order to generate notes and clicks that sell and as an example let's look at the following case:


The Congresses of the United States and Mexico, instead of addressing current issues such as violence, impunity, arms sales, child abuse, femicides, etc., have listened to stories as manipulated and without real evidence as the phenomenon of the aliens.

It gives the impression that our congressmen did not go through high school, much less university; It is clear that, when faced with issues of the unknown universe, one must keep an open mind, and that by logical deduction there must be life on other planets, but to presuppose extraterrestrial visits as an indisputable fact through evidence of dubious origin is to fall into the Trap of Empirical/Magical Knowledge, where there is a risk of assuming something that has no basis as fact.

Talking about topics such as Aliens, Magic and Witchcraft are very popular topics that attract attention, because it is very tempting to imagine ideas out of context, thus creating Empirical / Magical Knowledge, which by not having scientific support, everyone can propose and give their opinion on what they believe without fear of being questioned.

William Whewell (18th century) says in his book "History of the Inductive Sciences", that two elements are needed for the generation of science:

  1. Facts, that is, the external observation of things through the senses.

  2. Ideas, which involves an internal effort of thought through reasoning.

To learn more about William Whewell click on the following link:

And Baruch Spinoza (18th century) proposed three elements to generate knowledge: Imagination, Reason and Intuition: click on the image below this text to see the video clip about this unique character:

Today we know that to generate science, the Scientific Method is required, which includes the following elements:

1) Observation and measurement: that is, collection of facts

2) Induction and experimentation: development of a hypothesis in order to group and better understand the facts.

3) Simplification and deduction: critical examination of the hypothesis in order to make sense of it.

4) Verification and statement of a Law: comparison of the deductions with the observed facts, including new experiments to confirm or reject the hypothesis.

The scientific method is an ordered series of procedures that scientific research uses to observe the extent of our knowledge. We can conceive of the scientific method as a structure, a framework formed by coherently concatenated rules and principles

The alleged extraterrestrial visits lack confirmed evidence. Based on observation, measurement, and collection of facts, it can be said that they are not enough to generate a hypothesis that supports the visits of extraterrestrials to our planet.

Taking this into account, it is irresponsible to say that the NON-human organic material found from aliens guarantees that it is of extraterrestrial origin; It could be organic material from a rat, dog or cat to a dolphin or whale.

Deformed mummified fetuses with congenital problems, as claimed by a "Mexican ufologist" Jaime Muassan, are not sufficient evidence to ensure that extraterrestrial visited the earth hundreds of years ago.

We must remember that the ignorance of several decades ago led us to assume that there were extraterrestrials among the Mayans due to the types of "strange" skulls found, which were nothing other than the practice of these indigenous people to deliberately deform their skulls.


It is very important to unmask tricksters, conspiracy theorists, liars and truth-tellers, to know that in the search for answers there are two types of thoughts:

1) Dogmatic Thinking

Set of ideas and beliefs typical of a position or doctrine that is conceived as absolute truth and does not admit criticism.

Many dogmatisms maintain that the mind has the capacity to reason and know the truth, that is, human intelligence can always know the truth, with ease and complete certainty, without the need to substantiate it or confront it with reality.

2) Critical Thinking

It is the ability to analyze and evaluate the consistency of reasoning.

Critical thinking is not a new concept by any means, in fact, its origin dates back to ancient Greece: Socrates and his maieutics, Plato and his dialectic, Aristotle and his rhetoric.

By other side, there are five types of knowledge:


EMPIRICAL It is the one that is based on experiences, it is the perception we have of the world, since it tells us what exists and what its characteristics are.

RELIGIOUS It is all that information and thought that is based on a system of unprovable beliefs, which serve as moral, ethical and emotional support for human behavior.

RATIONAL Whatever we can obtain by the use of human reason, that is, by the mental understanding of the phenomena of reality that grasp our senses, and their analysis according to recognizable, demonstrable, understandable methods.

SPECULATIVE Speculation (from the Latin speculari, to observe) is a philosophical way of thinking to gain knowledge by going beyond traditional experience or practice and focusing on the essence of things and their first principles.

SCIENTIST Scientific knowledge is, by definition, the result of scientific research, that is, of research carried out with the scientific method and the objective of science.


Combining the two types of thoughts with the five forms of knowledge, we can generate the following matrix:

Although we live in an "Age of Knowledge", where we have access to data and information in order to create new knowledge based on the Scientific Method, we allow ourselves to be seduced by the charm of "coffee talks" that do not lead us to nothing, but yes, to the congressmen of the USA and Mexico, dedicating their time to non-priority issues; obviously they are not stupid, but they are manipulative to use these alien issues as smoke screens to distract public opinion.

And this is how Congressmen and Politicians, conspiring with the media, "you tubers" and "Influencers", manipulate the masses, as Steve Allen says in his book "Vulgarians":

It doesn't take a genius to realize that the media transmit content with the full awareness that it is harmful; they simply prefer to make profits, and close the eyes to the psychological and cultural damage they cause.

There are media that polarize society, inoculating a series of anti-values and turning characters of dubious reputation into heroes.

There are politicians who have manipulated public opinion through "youtubers", "influencers" and "Tik-Tok" to show what they are not to win elections.

And now North American politicians, with the desire to "erode" the institutions that gave shape and stability to their nation, open the door to alien maniacs, to demonstrate that the US institutions lied to the Nation for more than 50 years so that voters lose credibility in their institutions, and that the next Republican president (obviously Donald Trump) becomes a Super President who will not be counterbalanced by the other two seems that the story is very similar to that of Mexico.



National Geographic of Spain, tells us the meaning of the "Fermi Paradox

In the summer of 1950, Fermi was spending a day with three other colleagues, Edward Teller, Herbert York and Emil Konopinski, and the possible existence of extraterrestrial civilizations present in our galaxy came up. How could he not? Otherwise, Fermi was enthusiastic about the issue and, in fact, the possibility that such civilizations had visited us was raised. And the approach was such that:

  • We have about one hundred billion stars in our galaxy. Many of them will be similar to our Sun and many of these will be much older than our star.

  • Surely some of those stars have planets that can support life.

  • On many of these planets with life, the circumstances and characteristics of stability will exist that have allowed the development of intelligent life.

  • Some of these civilizations will have survived over time and will have advanced technologically enough to undertake space travel.

  • Although they cannot move at the speed of light or faster, they have had enough time to reach Earth.

If all these points are correct, we should have had unequivocal evidence of the visit of extraterrestrials. Since this is not the case, Fermi wondered: Where is everyone?

Today, we talk about Fermi's problem or paradox in a broader sense, the question is no longer whether we have been visited or not, it is simply whether we can have contact with an extraterrestrial civilization if it exists. This Fermi problem has raised a thousand and one possible resolutions, however, we still have a lot to know about the universe, physics, chemistry and biology to be able to give a definitive answer.


A team of British scientists concludes that we are the only intelligent civilization.

José Manuel Nieves in his article "Look No More We Are Alone in the Universe" published in "ABC Ciencia" tells us the following:

Anders Sandberg, Eric Drexler and Toby Ord, researchers at the University of Oxford, have just published on a devastating article in which they reinterpret with mathematical rigor two of the pillars of astrobiology: the Paradox of Fermi and the Drake Equation. And their conclusions are that, no matter how much we look for them, we will never find other intelligent civilizations. Why? Because, they simply do not exist.

According to the three Oxford researchers, the calculations made so far on the probability of intelligent life existing outside Earth are based on uncertainties and assumptions, which leads to their results having margins of error of "multiple orders of magnitude" and, therefore, unacceptable.

For this reason, Sandberg, Drexer and Ord have tried to reduce this enormous degree of uncertainty as much as possible, sticking to plausible chemical and genetic mechanisms. And the result, they say, is that "there is a substantial probability that we are completely alone.

We find no reason to maintain that, in the galaxy, or in the entire observable Universe, other civilizations exist.

Quite the contrary, what they do find is "a substantial probability that we are alone in our galaxy, and perhaps even in our observable universe.

Where is everyone else then? For the three Oxford scientists, "probably very far away, beyond the cosmological horizon that will be, forever, unreachable for us.



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